Association News


Potential COVID Exposure - Prospect Road Elementary

Hello Chebucto Families,

We have received notification that there has been a positive COVID-19 case and potential exposure at Prospect Road Elementary School (PRES). At this point, we do not know any specifics but, to be safe, we are asking any PRES students to not attend any further development sessions until you have verified through Nova Scotia Health that your child does not pose a potential risk of spread to other members of our hockey community and that your child is not required to self isolate as a result.

Failure to do so may result in a large disruption to the start of our hockey season specifically for U13 and below age groups along with increased public health risk. 

You may call Health Nova Scotia at: 1-800-430-9557 for more information. 

We apologize for any inconvience this may cause. Our primary objective is to do all we can to minimize/eliminate the potential of spread within our hockey family and disruption to the start of the season. 

We appreciate your understanding and assistance in this matter.

If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to email VP Risk Chebucto. 

Stay safe, Go Chebucto!

VP Risk - Bryan Esbaugh


Sep 23, 2021

Chebucto Recreation 2021-2022 Volunteer Sign Up

Hello Chebucto Families,

 We are seeking volunteers for Recreation Hockey, please click HERE to Volunteer.

We are looking for help in all areas of the Recreation Process....please have a look at the form and find what suits you the best!

Please reach out to Tim Cranston, VP recreation at or Suzanne Keith at with any questions. 

Thank you in advance for Volunteering:)

Sep 21, 2021

Complimentary Opportunity for U7 Hockey - New and Returning Players

Hello Chebucto Families,

  We are pleased to offer some complimentry on ice sessions for U7 players before the season starts.

 We have 3 total hours total for these groups on:

Saturday September 18 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 

Sunday September 19 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Saturday September 25th  12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Depending on numbers, players may be able to participate in more than one group. 

In order to register, please complete the google form below for your player and submit it by Thursday September 16th. . Please ensure that each player that you are registering has their own google form completed. 

Groups will be made once all Registration Forms have been submitted.

 Group lists will be posted on Friday Sept 17th

Also please indicate if you would be available to assist on ice, with dressing room supervision, or as a safety rep / check in role during your players session. These volunteers will remain in the arena for the duration of the sessions.

Players may arrive 20 minute prior to their scheduled time and should come completely dressed.  No Spectators are being permitted. 

Please click here to register for the sessions.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Ja-red Glazebrook, VP Development

Thank you!



Sep 14, 2021

Proof of Vaccinations and Provincial Guidance

Hi Folks,

Firstly, the Chebucto Executive would like to thank the members of the association that have reached out with questions pursuant to the recent Provincial announcements regarding moving to Phase 5 and further measures such as proof of vaccination. We will be taking these concerns forward for discussion. 

Chebucto Minor Hockey will and must follow the policies set out by Hockey Nova Scotia, which in turn receives policy direction from Sport Nova Scotia (i.e. the Provincial Government).

We are working with Hockey Nova Scotia to clarify the specifics as to what this will mean and how this will look when our members, volunteers and players show up to the arenas/facilities and communication will be forthcoming likely following meetings happening on or around Sept 20th.

For now we will continue to follow our Phase 4 protocols and ask for your patience and understanding as we navigate the rapidly changing landscape.

We highly recommend that, in accordance with anticipated provincial policy, that you take measures as soon as possible to ensure vaccination for participants and spectators as best you are able in advance of Oct 4th when these measures are expected be in force. 

If you have any questions, or concerns please feel free to contact Bryan Esbaugh - VP Risk Management.

Go Chebucto

-Bryan Esbaugh (



Sep 9, 2021

COVID-19 Safety During Development Sessions

Hi Folks,

I'm sure everyone is very much looking forward to kicking off the Chebucto Development Sessions in anticipation of tryouts and the regular season. 

Just a friendly reminder to please ensure you and your family abide by Health Nova Scotia COVID-19 regulations. In particular, if you have COVID-19 symptoms and are waiting to be tested and/or get your test results you or your family may be legally required to self-isolate for up to 14 days, or as directed by Public Health.

So, please do not show up to the development sessions if you or your child are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms and waiting to be tested, awaiting test results, or otherwise been told by Public Health that you or your child needs to self-isolate. This may be the case while you are waiting to get your results or are waiting out a 14-day isolation period due to a high risk exposure as the case may be for those under 12 years of age and those who are unable to be vaccinated. 

As we go forward, we will continue to follow the guidance from Public Health and Hockey Nova Scotia and adjust our policies as appropriate. 

The complete list of self-isolation requirements are here.

Nova Scotia Self-Isolation Requirements

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the VP Risk Management for Chebucto.

Thanks, Stay Safe, Go Chebucto 

-Bryan Esbaugh

VP Risk


Sep 7, 2021

Developmental Groups


 Good evening Chebucto families,

Thank you for your interest in our preseason development blocks. Again this year we have a large number of participants across all age levels. Thanks also for your patience as we worked to accommodate all our ice needs. We were able to secure all our ice times at the Halifax Forum.

For some players in U15 and U18, you will notice that there is a U15 / U18 combined group. This was necessary due to the overall numbers in those particular divisions. The focus of these blocks is all individual skill so this will not impact any players development.

Please click on the following link to access all groups and times. 

 Preseason Groups and Schedule  


Once you have had an opportunity to review your players group and schedule, and If you are able to assist with player check in, dressing room monitoring, etc. please reach out by email. In the email please indicate the Age , Group ( A,B,C etc.) and which specific dates you are available. 

If there are any errors, please do not hesitate to contact me at this email address.  Looking forward to getting back on the ice !


Sep 7, 2021