
Association News


Pre and In Season Goalie Shooter Recruitment

Hi Folks,

Along with recruitment of our volunteer coaches to act as shooters for our goalie sessions, I'd like to present an opportunity for our U15 aged and above Chebucto Athletes to join our pool of Goalie Session Shooters.

As we are expecting the Shooters to focus primarily on assisting the development of our goalies as opposed to primarily focusing on improving their dekes we will be paying our current and former athletes for their time. 

Over the season this will be a great way to meet some of the goalie coaches in the HRM and get yourself on the radar as a reliable shooter. 

If you are a current or former player and are interested in becoming a Goalie Session Shooter then please fill out the following expression of interest form.

Goalie Session Shooter Interest Form

Big thanks to the parent , who shall remain nameless, who made this recommendation. Another example of our excellent hockey community in practice.


Go Chebucto Go!


VP Development

Bryan Esbaugh

Aug 14, 2023