Sackville Black


Team News


March Updates: Schedule & Joe Tourney

Hello everyone,
It's been a minute since we've sent out an email, but holy moly our kiddos are on fire and we could not be more proud of them! Thank you parents and supporters for all you do behind the scenes to get them where they need to be ?
We will have our usual practice tonight at 5:30 at the Arena
Friday dryland at 5pm. One more dryland remains and that is scheduled for March 21st.
Saturday morning please hold 11-12 - we have reached out to Cole Harbour to ask if they could play us at that time for the regular season game that was TBA'd - will confirm as soon as we hear from them.
Sunday 1230 we will play Sackville Orange - regular season game. This should be in Grayjay sometime today.
Joe Tournament:
Next week we have the Joe tournament. Game times are in Grayjay and as attached. Semi finals are Wednesday afternoon and finals Thursday morning. You can find the full schedule here.
Tuesday after the shootout we will be heading to MicMac Bar and Grill (219 Waverley Rd, Dartmouth) for team lunch. Please arrive and be seated by 1230 as we have a very large group and only 2 hours before we have to head to RBC for the afternoon game. 
Joe Schedule
Have a great rest of your week! GO FLYERS!
Helen and Jada 
Mar 6, 2025

Game vs. Halifax Black has been RESCHEDULED to *Tomorrow* (Jan 30th)

Hello team,
Tonight's game vs Halifax black is in the process of being rescheduled to tomorrow night at our 5:30 pm practice time. We will go ahead with a practice tonight at 6pm - so essentially we are swapping tonight and tomorrow night.
If you are unable to make either please let us know! Drive safe!
The game is still showing as TBA (screenshot below of how it looks right now) but within the next hour or two it will probably be updated to show Thursday, Jan 30th, 5:30pm @ Arena :)
Helen and Jada 
Jan 29, 2025

January Updates

Hello U11 B Black Families,

It is difficult to believe we are entering the second half of the season. 

We have a few things to draw your attention to as we get back to the rink. This message contains the following information:

  • Schedule Updates 
  • Hotel Booking Reminder
  • Joe Lamontagne Tournament Dates
  • Year-End Pool Party


Schedule Updates

We have had some minor tweaks to the schedule in January.

  • Our usual Team Practice was moved from Thurs. Jan 9 to Sat. Jan 11, 2025.
    • Backstory: This is just a one-off. We agreed to swap Team Practices with the U13 B Team. U13 B is heading to an out-of-town exhibition game they have been trying to schedule for several months. 
    • This change is already reflected online and on the GrayJay Teams App 

  • An additional Team Practice was added from 8am-9am at Sackville Sports Stadium on Saturday, January 4, 2025.
    • This is already added to the schedule on the Website and GrayJay Teams App

  • No further changes or updates to note in January, but we wanted to just draw your attention to how busy the team schedule is at the end of the month.
    • For instance, from Wed. Jan 22 to Wed. Jan 29, we have something every day, including FIVE games (three league games plus our two-game exhibition weekend) so buckle up for lots of time at the rink!


Hotel Booking Reminder

We have our upcoming road trip to Liverpool/Bridgewater/Chester on January 25-26, 2025.

This is a reminder to please book your Hotel Room. The deadline to book is January 10.

Please refer This Page on our Team Website for online booking links, hotel phone numbers, and all other details.


Joe Lamontagne Tournament Dates

As a reminder, we are lucky to have been able to register the team for the Joe Lamontagne Tournament this March.

The dates for our U11 B Division is Tuesday, March 11, 2025 through Thursday, March 13, 2025, which is during March Break. 

More details to follow in terms of exact game times and locations. We can expect it will mostly be at Cole Harbour Place and/or RBC Centre, and there will  likely be daytime games.

Here's a sneak peak of the teams currently listed in the U11 B Division on the Joe Lamontagne Tournament Website. (I'm guessing this is subject to change.)


Year-End Pool Party

We've booked the Canada Games Centre for a Year-End Pool Party on Sunday, March 23, 2025.

Details are posted on this page of our website, and you can always check back there for more details as they become available. We need at least two brave souls willing to commit to either swimming with the players, or at the very least supervising them from the Aquatic Centre pool deck.

More details to follow. Thanks!


We hope everyone is having a lovely holiday season and wish you all a Happy New Year!

Warm regards,

-Jada & Helen

Dec 29, 2024

NYE Raffle Winner & Tomorrow's Practice

Congratulations to our NYE Raffle Winner, Stacey Bowie! 


A note regarding tomorrow’s practice!


We meant to get this out to everyone earlier, so my apologies first and foremost, for the late notice. 


For tomorrow we have planned a fun ‘practice’ where parents and siblings are invited to join in if they wish. If siblings are minor hockey age we ask that they wear full gear on the ice. Everyone is encouraged to wear their holiday best (thinking holiday sweaters instead of jerseys - if you have one!). 


Coaches are planning a fun game - not competitive, just fun! 


See you there!

Dec 12, 2024

NYE Prize Raffle: Ticket Drop Off Information

Hi folks,

This message is related to Ticket Drop Off for our NYE Prize Raffle.

As per our Lottery License, the NYE Prize Draw must take place at the Sackville Arena on December 11th.

Our Home Game for Wednesday, December 11th was removed, mostly due to an influx of Christmas Concerts at many of our local schools.

If you want to hand in ticket stubs at our last ice time before the draw, you will need to find Helen at ECV on Monday, December 9, 2024 with the big orange Home Depot bucket.

Or, you can make your way to the Sackville Arena between 5:00-5:45pm on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 right before the draw. Helen will be there, big orange Home Depot bucket in tow.

Thanks & Happy Selling!

U11 B Black NYE Raffle

-Helen & Jada

Dec 5, 2024

December 2 Update

Good day everyone,
Great game for our players yesterday - they are working so hard and you can definitely see their improvement. Now we just need to get a win - they definitely deserve it for the work they are putting in! 
Here are some updates for the week ahead - it will be a busy one!
Monday December 2nd  -  Development practice 530-7 @ ECV.
Tuesday December 3rd - Game vs. Bedford Blue 615 @ Greenfoot Energy Center Rink D
Wednesday December 4th - Game vs. Dartmouth 6 pm @ Arena.
Thursday December 5th - Practice 5:30pm @ Arena
Friday December 6th - Mini Moose Game vs. Sackville Orange 4 pm @ Scotiabank Center. 
                    - Mooseheads game at 7pm
Saturday December 7th - Extra practice 12-1pm @ Arena
Please remember to use the grayjay app to RSVP your player for all team events so we know if anyone will be missing. 
Team Photo:
I'm not sure if everyone received this link to the team photo - apologies if I missed this but you can access it via this link and then download the one you like best:
The password is Hockey
Also if anyone hasn't downloaded their individual player pics yet you must do so before the 2 week mark to avoid the $25 late fee.
Team Sweaters Order:
These will be ready to pick up from the store in Kentville today - if anyone is going to the valley this week and wouldn't mind grabbing them please let us know, otherwise they will be delivered on Friday and we can give them out on Saturday at practice.
Mini Moose event December 6th: 
There are still some tickets available for the game Friday night. Anyone wanting more tickets please let Helen know today.  
Christmas Party:
This will be December 12th at 630 in the Mezz, after our practice (details to come on this practice from Coach Harvieux - I think he is planning something light and fun!). The kids picked names for their secret Santa at yesterday's game. If you do not know who your kid picked please let me know and I can tell you. The limit for the secret Santa gift is 25$. 
We are asking parents to bring along a food item to the party - we have decided to go with "walking tacos" or "tacos in a bag" for the meal. If you player doesn't like tacos please let us know and we will ensure there is something for everyone. Here is a form to sign up for what you would like to contribute to the meal. This will be posted on the team website as well.
We will have a box in the Mezz during the party to collect food bank donations. It is important to us that we involve the players in events that give back to the community. If you are able to, please have your child bring item(s) appropriate for the food bank. The Beaverbank-Kinsac Fire Association will collect them from us and give them to a local food bank. 
If anyone needs tickets for the NYE Mooseheads game prize pack please let us know.  Each player can sell up to 100 tickets! 
January Road trip!
As previously communicated we have 2 confirmed games on the south shore for January 25/26th - these have now been added to Grayjay. This will be an overnight trip and we have secured a block of 17 rooms at the Bridgewater Best Western at a rate of $152.99 plus tax.  These rooms will remain in place until the release date of January 10th so make sure you book before then. This rate includes a hot buffet breakfast, and don't forget to pack bathing suits for the pool and waterslide ? Parents can copy and paste the link below to confirm their booking online. 
If you call to book please reference Sackville Flyers U11B Black hockey team. 
We have been invited to an exhibition game in Truro December 22nd- We will place on poll on the Facebook group to see if we have enough players to commit - please complete it ASAP (today if you can!) so we can respond to them. 
As always if you have any questions or concerns please reach out to Helen or I anytime!
Jada and Helen
Dec 2, 2024

Fundraising Update: Nov 11

Hey Everyone, 

Valley Apple Fundraiser is done and delivered, thank you Lisa!
Update on current fundraisers:
1. Earrings are being made and will arrive within the next 2 weeks 
2. Ornaments are completed! I will have them this week
3. FlipGive, this is an ongoing fundraiser (contact Mike Charlton or I for info)
4. Hockey Pool (contact Mike Charlton for info)
5. First 50/50 draw November 24th
Unfortunately the December Cash Calendar fundraiser has been cancelled. Two teams pulled out at the last minute and we weren't able to fill it with another team. The prize payout was based on 17 players per team and 9 teams (153 players)  the lotto permit was also issued based on that amount.
Please let me know if you have any questions or team fundraising ideas.
Nov 11, 2024

Week 5: November 11 Updates

Hello Team!
Hope you've all had a great long weekend. Time is flying and we're already into week 5!
Thanks to everyone who came out on Friday night to support our friend, Joey! It was so nice to see the kids together supporting their teammate.
I have heard the bottle drive was a lot of fun! We made a total of $352.70 in cash donations and we will let you know how much from the bottles once we hear from the depot.
Here are a few updates and reminders for the week ahead:
Monday November 11 - Development Practice @ ECV 5:30-7
Tuesday November 12 - Goalie Development @ ECV 6:30-7:30
Wednesday November 13 - Home game vs. TASA Black @ Arena 6:00-7:00 - Q104 Ice Patrol will be joining our game with some treats and swag for the kids and will want to take a photo with the team after the game!
Thursday November 14 - Practice @ Arena 5:30-6:30 AND Team meeting and pizza in the Mezz 6:30-7:30 
Friday November 15 - Dryland training @ Weir Recreation Center 5:00-6:00
Photos should be available within the next two weeks. The Photographer will send you the link directly (we used the email attached to the player for this - watch your junk mail!). Please email the team account $34.50 with the word PHOTOS in the message line, so we can pay for them asap. As noted earlier this includes 2 digitally retouched individual images from a choice of 6 poses and 1 team image. All with FULL PRINT and SHARE RELEASE. More detail on how to order prints and cards will be sent to you with the link to your images.
We have submitted the sweater order and will share info on anticipated delivery date once we hear from the supplier.
If anyone requires additional name or sponsor bars for jerseys please let us know asap. If there are more than 6 we could submit a group order and get a reduced rate. Otherwise it may make sense for individuals to place their own orders. I believe there are 3 that we know of right now. 
Hockey Pools
These are due this week. Mike Charleton is our hockey pool coordinator and if you could get all hockey pools to him by Thursday at the latest that would be great, as he will need time to submit them before the 16th deadline. If everyone could bring them to our practice Thursday that would be best. Please put them in an envelope with your players name on them. Thank you Mike!
Mini Moose
We are squaring off against the Sackville Flyers U11 B Orange at the Scotiabank Arena prior to the Mooseheads Home Game on Friday, December 6th. While we don't pay to book the ice for the Exhibition Game itself, each team must sell at least 55 Tickets to the Mooseheads Home Game that night. Tickets are $20 for both Youth and Adult (update: taxes are included).
Please Complete This Google Form to both confirm your child will be attending, and also to confirm how many tickets you would like. Please send an EMT to the team at for all additional tickets to be purchased.
Please complete the form by Saturday November 16th. 
Currently we are still just booked for the Joe during March break. We are still working on booking another... There are not a lot of U11B tournaments this year but we have something in mind for a little roadie and overnight stay that we hope to be able to put together and share information on soon. Stay tuned!
That's it for now. If any questions or concerns please reach out to Helen or I anytime!
Jada & Helen
Nov 11, 2024

Bottle Drive Info

Hi everyone,
Thank you to those who are participating in & have offered to drive in tomorrow's Bottle Drive. It's not too late to join in with another truck or large SUV / trailer, but here's what we have so far:
  • Greg Smith
  • Cyndi Fraser
  • Nathan McCarthy
  • Darren Harvieux
  • Colin MacLean
We are doing our Bottle Drive in the Windsor Junction area. Those participating will meet at 0930hrs at Green Tree Recycling, located just off Cobequid Rd at 44 Greentree Ave. Please try and bring a bag or two of bottles per player when we meet to get us off to a good start. We should aim for a couple of hours of collecting. There will be a sign with "U11 B Black" for our drop-off pile that will hopefully be set up by the time we get started.
I will have Donation Jugs for financial donations and laminated maps to distribute, and we will break into groups and head out from there. 
Please bring a snack & water bottle, have your players wear their Orange Jerseys over top of warm clothing, and wear comfy walking shoes. 
Thank you,
-Helen & Jada
Nov 8, 2024

Team Photos Tomorrow Night

Hi everyone,
We have a change in photographer for pics tomorrow night. We had tried early in the season to book Sugarsnap Photography but could not come up with a date that worked before Christmas. Luckily the stars aligned through a discussion last night and she is now available to do our photos AND, you can order hockey cards from her! 
Here is the plan:
Players are to be dressed and ready to hit the ice for 530 on the dot - wearing their BLACK jerseys. Do not put their helmets on them before they hit the ice (i know this sound opposite of what we normally say), as the first shots will be taken without the helmet. They can carry their helmet in their hands. Once they enter the ice they will go directly to the bench and then to the photographer in groups of 3 which Helen and I will manage. We ask that parents not be on the benches or the ice as we only have limited time and need this to go as efficiently as possible to ensure we fit it all in the 50 mins we have. The photographer has said that she will make sure hair is in place, fix jerseys, etc. 
Once their photo is taken they will go to the other side of the ice for practice, and then the team photo will be taken at the end once all players have their individual photos taken. 
Info from Photographer:
Over 12 athletes participating for the group rate of $34.50 (taxes in) in one timeslot booking. 
This $34.50 includes digitally retouched individual images from a choice of 6 poses and 1 team image. All with FULL PRINT and SHARE RELEASE. Also includes all lighting equipment, set up and take down.
Additional images (@11.50 taxes in) and/or trading cards ($28.75 taxes in for a set of 15) can be purchased through the business by participants after preview links are sent out individually. Cards are UV protectant and includes shipping. 
Entire collections are discounted at 10% off 
Turnaround time for all links to be sent is approx 2-2.5 weeks
A list of recommended print locations are sent to all families with their links.
I've also attached an example of her work FYI.
Jada and Helen
Nov 6, 2024

SMHA Player Assistance Fund: Deadline Extended

Hello Everyone,
I wanted to take a minute to remind everyone of SMHA's Player Assistance Fund. This can be used for registration, as well as team budgets. This year's deadline has been extended to November 15th. More details on the program and how to apply can be found below. 

SMHA Player Assistance Fund

In September 2022, SMHA rolled out the Sackville Flyers Player Assistance Fund.

SMHA has funds from outside donations and expired 50/50 credits to assist families with the cost of hockey, who may not otherwise be able to afford it. These funds can be used in addition to awards received from other sources such as KidSport, Jumpstart and the Hockey Canada Assist Fund to reduce the fees incurred for the year. 
  • SMHA continues to encourage all families in need of financial assistance to apply for all of the above-mentioned programs, where eligible.
  • SMHA Player Assistance Fund Policy (.pdf) 
  • Application Deadline: 11:59pm, Thursday, October 31st, 2024
    • The application requires the Applicant to upload an attachment
    • If you have technical issues with this, please fill in as much as you can on the form, then send the attachment directly to Jen Tower at
  • All information will remain confidential, including application details and amounts of funding received.
  • Amounts will be credited directly towards the player's HCR account. No cheques or cash will be provided directly to the applicant.
  • Contact Information: Jen Tower,

Thank you, 


Nov 5, 2024

SMHA's 50/50 - Starting Nov 1!

Hi Team,
I am hoping to pick  our 50/50 tickets up tomorrow, I have submitted a ticket request this weekend and also sent an email today on top of the request In hopes to get them for our game tomorrow, fingers crossed.
I have requested 4000.   I can get more, and will replenish as we move forward. 
Ticket sales will start November 1st, but feel free to start selling now.  Remember, when posting on any social media you can not post EMT as a payment method.  
***Remeber to only request what you think you can sell for the first month , and if you need more you can request as you sell out Sackville only has a limited amount and asks you only take one month worth at a time.***
I believe everyone is familiar with the 50/50 process but following is all the information I received from SMHA:
  • DO NOT POST EMT as a payment method on Social Media for ANY fundraising.
  • Tickets are $2.00, no multibuy options
    • $0.90 per ticket sold goes towards your player’s budget
    • $1.00 pays the winner
    • $0.10 admin fee (license, printing, etc)
  • All draws will be live streamed on the SMHA Facebook page 
  • Any LOST/MISPLACED tickets must be accounted for, $2 per ticket.
  • Damaged tickets can be returned without financial impact.
  • BRIGHT ORANGE tickets are no longer valid. SMHA are only using tickets that start with 23 or 24.  If for some reason, you still had tickets at home, they can not be used and will need to be disposed of.
  • If you make arrangements, retail locations can sell tickets on behalf of your player. 
  • It will be the player’s responsibility to provide and collect the tickets each month.  
  • Any retail sales that you coordinate will be applied directly to your player’s budget. 
  • All Retails locations will be advertised on the SMHA Flyers website
  • NS Gaming must be informed of all retail locations selling tickets. If you are leaving tickets at a retail location, please let me know so I can add it to the information sheet.
As part of the Nova Scotia Alcohol & Gaming "Youth Sports Lotteries Use of Funds" Policy, funds can only be transferred between siblings.

Once a child leaves a sports organization, any funds raised now belong to general funds of the organization and must be accounted for. If the Child does have a sibling remaining in the organization the funds can be directed to the sibling for activities approved in this policy.

SMHA does hold the funds in your player’s name for two seasons, in case your player decides to return.
Once the two seasons have passed, funds are transferred to the SMHA Player Assistance Fund
  • Sunday November 24th, 2024 @ 5:30pm
  • Friday December 29th, 2024 @ 5:30pm
  • Sunday January 26th, 2025 @ 5:30pm
  • Sunday February 23rd, 2025 @ 5:30pm
  • Sunday March 30th, 2025 @ 5:30pm
Depending on our schedule, I will leave the collection of the tickets to 2 days before the draw date (deadline).   We wil not accept cash for the tickets.  Money will need to be emailed to the team account  remember to put your players name and number of tickets sold in the comments. 
Tickets for November are due back to me by Friday, November 22nd by 8pm. 
Let me know if you have any questions.  My cell number is below if you ever need to reach me. 
Thank you,
Kelsey Young
902 440 8059
Oct 30, 2024

Manager's Welcome: Season Kick-Off Information

Hello Families of the 2024-2025 SMHA U11 B Black Team!

First, thank you to Darren for the email yesterday and for being our Head Coach this season. It's going to be a great year.
My name is Helen Scammell (, and Jada Harvieux ( and I will be co-managers for this season. My player is Alice Legay - one of our Goalies - and Jada's husband is Head Coach Darren, and their player is Kyle Harvieux on the blue line. I see some familiar names on the roster and also a few families that I have yet to get to know, and I'm looking forward to it. 
There is a lot of info here, and should be enough to get us through a week or so. Following a budget meeting between Team Management, we will absolutely host a Parent Meeting during or immediately following an upcoming practice. More info TBA in the coming week or so.
Here is a breakdown of the topics covered in this email:
And - Here we go!
Quick Links: 
Jada and I will funnel all important Team Communication through the GrayJay Website and accompanying GrayJay App. 
The SMHA Website is run by GrayJay (a Cole Harbour based company) and they have designed the GrayJay Teams app to run alongside it. I'm excited about this instead of using TeamSnap, TeamLinkd, or other options, since this app is ad free with a one-time annual payment per team, and it automatically syncs the in-app calendar with the League Schedule and other calendar items that Jada or I may add to the calendar. There are chat options, RSVP tools, and reminder tools - I think it will be pretty helpful.
So - please Download the GrayJay Team App (iOS  |  Android). You may need to create an account on the GrayJayPay platform if you've never used it before. Please create the account with the email address listed below for each player, and from there you can easily "share" the info to other family members. (i.e. co-parents and extended family). If you're having trouble, please let me know. It is new to me too, but we will figure it out together.
First Name Last Name Position GrayJay Primary Email
ALICE LEGAY Goaltender
We also have created this U11 B Black Facebook Page, which will be good for sharing fundraisers and also helpful for doing any Live Streams in case some family members are not able to attend but want to tune into the action. Kenzie Moore (parent of Lucas Bellingham) has agreed to help us out with managing the Facebook Page. Thank you, Kenzie!
Team Treasurer
We are lucky to have Lisa Gillis (, note the two B's are not an error!) as our Team Treasurer this season. Lisa has filled this role on her son's team - Logan, one of our Goaltenders - for several years now, and it'll be great to have her in charge of our Team Budget. Thank you, Lisa!
Team Budget 
For those of you who are new to the U11 Competitive Division, please know that Team Fees are typically higher than in U9. This is primarily due to the lack of shared ice times, as well as more expensive tournament fees. Lisa, Darren, Jada and I will be having Team Budget discussions soon, and we will certainly keep everyone in the loop.
Seed Money
To get some funds in the bank to allow for team startup costs, it is standard for all families to provide an EMT that counts toward their player's Team Budget fee. As usual, an exception can be made if your family has a significant amount of Carry Forward 50/50 Credits that will be transferred into our Team Bank Account. If you provide Seed Money and end up fundraising your child's entire Team Fee, then the Seed Money can either be refunded to you, or rolled forward to a future year at the end of the season.
Please provide $200 by EMT to Lisa at as Seed Money by Thursday, October 31st, 2024. This $200 will count toward your player's Team Budget fee. If you can send funds in advance of the deadline, that is better as there are some start-up costs that the team must incur. Please reach out to Lisa at with any questions or concerns.
EDIT Oct 15 1:00pm: Thank you to those who have sent Seed Money to the email address already. For now, please hold of on the EMTs until the bank account is activated and Auto-Deposit is enabled. Lisa will let us know when she is ready. Thanks! -HS
Jersey Sponsorship
One standard fundraising option is to try and obtain a Jersey Sponsor for your child's Game Jerseys. We have attached a form letter that SMHA provides for families to use, or feel free to write your own.
How this works: If you obtain a Jersey Sponsor, the Sponsor either writes a Cheque to "Sackville Flyers U11 B Black" or they send an EMT to with the agreed upon sponsorship amount. The amount is flexible, and up to you. The entire amount provided as a Jersey Sponsor goes directly toward your player's Team Budget amount. Note: If you do obtain a Jersey Sponsor, you are responsible for obtaining a Name Bar with the sponsor's name and having it added to your player's jersey. The Name Bar must meet the same criteria outlined below - the correct colour for the jersey, with no logos, and plain unjustified font. 
If you already have a Jersey Sponsor and would like a Name Bar for the sponsorship as part of the Group Order from sportwheels, please include it here on the Google Form. (We do get a small discount for bulk orders, so it is slightly cheaper than buying one on your own.)
Kenzie Moore has agreed to take on the role of Fundraising Coordinator for our team, and she already has some great ideas started including Earrings, Valley Apples, and Ornaments. Stay tuned for more info in the coming days! Thank you, Kenzie!
Also, Kelsey Young has agreed to take on the role of 50/50 Coordinator for our team. Those little orange tickets are probably just around the corner. Thank you, Kelsey!
Please indicate on this Google Form what your level of interest is as a family with regards to tournaments for the year. Of course, tournaments are expensive and come at a significant cost to each family by the time we factor in hotel stays, meals out, possibly time off work, etc - but it is one of the foundational shared experiences about playing Minor Hockey. It seems fairly standard for SMHA Teams to try and find at least one "away" tournament with a hotel stay and maybe another two closer to home. We will happily review feedback, and try and plan accordingly.
Name Bars
Name Bars can be used for multiple seasons. If you already have Name Bars in good condition from a prior season, there is no need to order more.
Your player will require two Name Bars to go with our Home and Away jerseys for this season:
  • White Name Bar with Black Font (as per the image below)
  • Orange Name Bar with Black Font (as per the image below)
Please indicate on this Google Form if you require one or more Name Bars and we will place a bulk order.
If you have Name Bars on hand already and would like some help getting it sewn on, here are a couple of local options:
Coach Darren has picked up the Team Jerseys this evening. FYI: Our Home Jersey is Orange and our Away Jersey is Black as per the CMHL Website.
There might be a few exceptions, but as a reminder, the lower the jersey number, the smaller the jersey.  
Please indicate on this Google Form the top 3 jersey numbers your player would want to haveWhere possible, first choice of numbers will go to our players returning to the U11 Division this season, and we will do coin flips if there are ties beyond that.
Game Socks
We've decided that families should source their own Plain Black Hockey Socks to be worn for Games. The ones we can find locally for Team Sales that most teams purchase (Black with Orange band at knee, and Orange with Black band at the knee) are over $30 per pair, and truly not really great quality. We thought most players likely already have a solid black pair of socks, or if not have the ability to grab a pair for ~$20. Maybe consider keeping the Black ones special for Games, and feel free to wear whatever other Hockey Socks for our practices. 
Coach Darren had an idea that instead of putting in a Track Jacket order, we could place a Group Order for an optional Team Hoodie that can be worn anytime of course, but especially before Games for the warmup. 
Other Equipment
We will be ordering Team Water Bottles for the players once the jersey numbers are locked in, which will be included in the Team Budget.
"Rule of Two"
As a reminder, SMHA is adamantly supportive of the "Rule of Two", set out by Hockey Canada and Hockey Nova Scotia. This is a risk-reduction strategy to dressing room management, and we want to make sure we are always keeping safety in mind and complying with this rule. This means that there will be no players permitted in a dressing room until there are two approved Team Staff present. Approved means they have an up-to-date Criminal Record Check and their Respect in Sport Activity Leader course is complete and on record. Please hold each other accountable to this rule, and don't let your players into the room until you know there are Team Staff present and ready to supervise.
Hockey Canada Medical Information Form
Jada and I will have blank copies available this week, or if you prefer to do it in advance and email it back to us, there is a .pdf attached. A copy of these completed forms are meant to be available to Team Staff at all times in the event of an emergency, so we appreciate your time and effort to fill them in. 
That is all for now - I believe Kenzie is going to chime in with a couple fundraiser ideas. Jada and I will take her email and add it to a Fundraising page on our website as well so it is all in one place.
Thanks folks! Have a great week and we will see you at ECV!

Helen Scammell

Oct 15, 2024

Welcome to U11B Black for 2024-2025!

Good Evening Everyone! 
Reaching out with a big congratulations to you, and the kids, on their selection to the Sackville Flyers U11B Black team.  I'll be coaching the team this year and I'm excited to get started with a great group of kids.  We are in early planning stages with team staff and coaches.  If you are interested in helping out in any way feel free to reach out, lots of spots to fill!  
A couple quick notes: 
We will have three practices this week. Tuesday 6:30 @ ECV, Wednesday 6:00 @ Arena, and Thursday 5:30 @ Arena.  We can also expect a game this coming weekend.  The CMHL schedule hasn't been released yet but should be anytime.  This will not be our regular schedule.  Regular schedule won't start until the third week of hockey. 
If there is an email address that you would like added to this contact list feel free to send it along.  Right now we only have one per kid.
Thanks and stay tuned for more information. I am looking forward to working with you and your child this season!


Oct 14, 2024