Association News


U7 update Jan 2022

Hi U7 Families,

 We are excited to be returning to the ice with our U7 program! Please read this email carefully. Note that there will be no adjustments to the groupings outlined, which will be in effect up to and including January 30th. Under current restrictions, we needed to re-group players. Restrictions which specify only players & Coaches are allowed in the rink at this time.


Please note: If anyone (player, Coach or Safety Rep) is unable to make a session, or doesn’t want to attend ice times, please reach out immediately to Matt White- VP U7

Safety reps are required for all Groups, and players cannot enter the arena until a Safety Rep has checked them in.

 Please see attached groupings and schedule. U7 Groups Jan 2022 (1) 

In order to meet our number restrictions and have good flow given these changes, we ask everyone to follow the below instructions:

-        All players are to report to the rink fully dressed including skates and helmets. Masked must   be worn until entering ice surface.

-        Safety Reps must check in players outside of the rink.

-        Parents can remove skate guards in the front entrance.

-        If your player is listed with a coach, you may enter the rink 15 minutes early.

-        If your player is listed between numbers 1 through 8 for their group, you may check in 10 minutes prior to ice time.

-        If your player is listed 9 through 16 for their group, you may check in 7 minutes prior to ice time.

-        Please review with your player what number they are.

-        Upon completion of their ice time, the players will exit via the side door.

-        Players will be lined up in the same order as numbers assigned.

-        We ask parents be waiting outside at the side door to receive their player in this order to make for a seamless exit from rink.

-        While on ice, Players 1-8 will remain on one side of the ice with their identified coach. Players 9-16 on the other. Please discuss this with your player as there cannot be any mixing of groups at this time, so it is important for all players to remain on their side and listen to their coaches.

-        Please have your player use the washroom before coming to the rink. With our limited numbers on ice and no support personnel allowed, bathroom breaks will be problematic!

As a reminder- here is the Lions Rink Covid Protocols Jan 2022 COVID Rules 


Matt, VP U7

Jan 12, 2022

Jan 2022 update

Hello Chebucto Families,                                                    January 10,2022


    I hope this email finds you well, and everyone was able to enjoy time with Family over the Holiday season. Happy New Year!

   CMHA has been working to get teams back to practicing, and we will begin Thursday Jan 13, 2022. Most teams can expect to be practicing during their already scheduled ice times. Some have been moved around to accommodate the current restrictions. See restart schedule : CMHA Restart Schedule Jan 2022 - Final 

Please read this entire email to find the details you need. U7 & U9 have different plans- please make sure you make note of that plan in the notes below.


As per Public Health and HNS guidance:

·        Games and tournaments are not permitted

·        maximum of 10 participants (including coaches and instructors) will be permitted in the field of play for practices and training; physical distancing is not required during these sessions, but masks are required everywhere in the facility but on the ice

·        Spectators will be not be permitted at any activities

·        Travel restrictions remain in effect that prohibit children age 11 and younger from entering or leaving Nova Scotia to participate in sports


Details on groups of 10:


Teams can practice in separate groups of up to 10 (including coaches and instructors) on the ice at the same time. Teams need to ensure that the groups (including coaches and instructors) are completely separated from the time they arrive at the facility until the time they leave. Players can not switch groups (ex: players are not permitted to spend half a practice with one group and then spend the other half with the other group) during the practice. 

There can be no intermingling of cohorts so the space would have to allow for distancing between cohorts, staggered entry into the facility and onto the field of play, separate change rooms, etc. 


Plan: Spryfield Lions Rink: Jan 2022 COVID Rules 

No Spectators at all

 Manager/safety (1) rep arrives 20 minutes before ice time to gather group 1- players and coaches- screen and at 15min before. Then that group goes into the rink.

 Manager/Safety Rep (2) arrives 20 minutes before ice time to gather Group 2 -players and coaches – screen and at 15 min before. Then that group goes into the rink.

Each group must remain with their group at all times, and enter and exit the ice separately.

Group 1 will enter ice through closest ice surface door, and go the furthest end of the ice.                                            

Ice is divided.

Group 2 will enter through the closest ice surface door and stay at that end.

Once ice time is completed, Group 2 will exit first, once they are in their dressing room, Group 1 will exit.

Group 1 & 2 from each team will be on the same hour of ice.

All players, once they finish in each dressing room, must exit out the side door together in their group. Coaches will have to make sure that this happens.

This is the procedure for Spryfield Lions Rink:

These guidelines should be followed in any arena we practice in. Entry doors and exit doors will be different in other facilities, please make yourself aware of the facility policy before you go. 

~U7 will look a bit different and will have additional plans in place. At this time, our current planning has to be changed, as we received info that the Lions rink is not allowing anyone besides the 2 groups of 10 in the rink. We do require a bit more help with this age group. Matt will be emailing Families with team lists and an additional email will be coming later this week with info- we apologize, and hope to get some groups on the ice this weekend. Jan 15 & 16….please answer his call for help….we really want to get these kids on the ice! Any questions or offers to help( need credentials) please reach out to Matt:

 ~U9 will also look different and will have additional plans in place. Please visit the website under the U9 tab (please click your team and news feed) for information and guidelines.  Please reach out to Desi at for any questions.


Contact tracing:


We continue to ask that the team safety rep/manager be informed of any Covid cases. Teams will be considered close contacts if they had exposure to the positive player/coach in the 48h prior to positive test and/or symptoms. Please make sure you inform coaches and team of any Covid 19 activity and take the appropriate steps of notification.



 Coronavirus (COVID-19): symptoms and testing - Government of Nova Scotia, Canada


Please see below for some additional info:

·       Forum/Civic, SMU- allow only one safety rep/manager per session, teams will have to figure out who this will be.

 RBC and HRM 4 pad- allows both a manager and a safety rep per session.

·       Masks are to be always worn in arenas and in the dressing rooms…Masks can be taken off ONLY when immediately putting your helmet on and immediately leaving the dressing room to get onto the ice surface.


·       Any coach who is rostered on more than one team MUST wear a mask at all times, no exceptions. 


·       If a coach must interact with a child within 6 feet, they should “mask up” and then have the interaction.


·       No player can enter the building until the safety rep & manager have arrived.  Coaches, safety reps / managers should arrive 20 minutes before the ice time, to manage groups prior to entry to the arena.


·       Players are to arrive 15 minutes before ice time.  Please have your child refrain from waiting outside with other players.  If they must wait outside, they must be with their GROUP ONLY.


·       Players are to come as dressed as possible.  For U11 and up at a minimum bottom gear, for U7 and U9 should be full gear including skates. As a point of clarity, there will be no skate tying by coaches.  


·       No spectators whatsoever.


·       Coaches are to send out the list of groupings (2 groups of 8 players and 2 coaches per team prior to first ice time (If rosters are larger, then the player to coach ratio will be decided by the head coach, or VP of Division)


·       These groupings cannot change until restrictions get updated after Jan 31, 2022.  There will be a schedule will be emailed to teams and also located on our news feed, beginning Jan 13, 2022- Jan 31, 2022 with each team getting practice times. U7-U21.



·       CMHA players cannot intermix groups for CMHA ice times.  
Private ice times are not under the purview of the CMHA, but if rented cannot be under CMHA or the team’s name.


·       Any positive covid cases on a CMHA rostered team, the team Safety Rep or manager must be notified immediately, who then notifies the CMHA Safety Representative (Bryan Esbaugh- VP Risk Management).


·       Any cancellation of ice due to COVID-19 must be requested through our ice scheduler, Katie Murphy at .



Thank you again for your continued support. We have yet again been put into a tough situation…but we have been here before and we can get through it again… We want to get back to normal, and are doing our best to provide a safe practice environment until Public Health and HNS provide updates.


If you are looking for contact information or general information, click this link to be brought to our website Chebucto Minor Hockey Association 


Stay safe,

Sara Aucoin

President, CMHA


Jan 10, 2022

Dec 28th, 2021 update

Hello Chebucto Families,

 The CMHA Board met as noted in the last communciation, to discuss the days ahead. CMHA will pause until Jan 12,  2022. No ice will be scheduled until the next Public Health(PH) announcement.

  The CMHA Board will meet again Jan 10th, in the hopes that a new plan from HNS and PH will be announced providing next steps after Jan 12, 2022. We will provide an update as soon as we have one! 

 There have been some inquires regarding refunds....please note, as in the past, we will not visit any possible refunds until the season is complete. Please refer to our policy tab for our REFUND policy.

 No one would have thought we would be in this situation again with our hockey season, we have had so many hurdles to jump along the way....yet we perservered. Please stay strong and together we can get through this again. 

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and CMHA wishes you all a Very Happy New Year!

HNY puck pic

CMHA Board

Jan 2, 2022

CMHA Dec 21, 2021 Update

Good Evening Chebucto Families, we are again...another shutdown. Effective 6:00 am Dec 22, 2021- Jan 12, 2022 Public Health have put out new restrictions that have inpacted Minor Hockey. Please click HERE 

HNS also released a statement- Please click HERE

With these new restrictions, CMHA will pause until Jan 2, 2022- NO PRACTICES, NO GAMES, NO TOURNAMENTS, DRYLAND OR TEAM EVENTS.

CMHA board will be meeting and will send out another announcement before Jan 2, 2022 with further details. Being a very fluid situation, there maybe changes and new annoucements from Public Health and HNS. Communications may need to be adjusted - please keep a close eye on our website and Facebook for updates. 

CMHA appreaciates your understanding while we have time to figure out a plan of action. We hope you can take time to enjoy the Holidays with your Families and loved ones!

Stay safe!

Sara Aucoin

President, CMHA


Dec 22, 2021

CMHA Dec 18, 2021 **update**

Hello Chebucto Families,

Please see Dec 18th update :

CMHA update Dec 18, 2021

CMHA thanks you for your patience and understanding while we had time to review and discuss next steps. 

hockey holidays pic

CMHA Board


Dec 18, 2021

CMHA update Dec 17, 2021

Chebucto Minor Hockey Association


Hello Everyone,

 I am sure everyone is feeling anxious and unsettled with the new Covid variant Omicron. We were fully expecting a more elaborate news release today, with more restrictions. In fact, that was not the case.

Please see the following release again for review:

 Restrictions Return Provincewide - Government of Nova Scotia, Canada

At 9 a.m. this morning, the following restrictions impacting hockey officially took effect:




  • spectators are limited to 50 per cent of a facility’s capacity; spectator limits are also capped at a maximum of 150 people
  • a limit of 60 participants indoors and outdoors applies to sports practices, games, and regular league play; physical distancing is not required
  • tournaments are not allowed
  • children age 11 and younger continue to be restricted from entering Nova Scotia to participate in sports and are also restricted from participating in them outside Nova Scotia


Please follow Public Health guidelines

Additional measures that CMHA will take and suggest are:

-NO Affiliation allowed until we reassess in January (TBA). This will begin Dec 20 – if you have any questions, please reach out to me directly

-CMHA have already paused Development, Junior Coaching and Keepers club

-Please have your players arrive dressed as much as possible to limit time in the dressing room.

-Players and coaches are REQUIRED to wear masks in the dressing room. Coaches who coach multiple teams, even if outside CMHA, must wear a mask during practice on the ice, and continue to wear a mask on the bench during games. Please remember to put them back on after, as soon as you take off your helmet.

-CMHA would suggest 1 spectator per player for all team events, and encourage live streaming for others to view. We are trying to limit numbers as best we can. If you can drop your player off for practice, and pick up after, then do so.  

Safety Reps:

Bryan Esbaugh- VP Risk will be in touch for support via email by tomorrow…if you have not received an email by tomorrow, please reach out to him to be added to the communications.

If you have any un-used ice as a result of Isolation requirements, please make sure you reach out to Katie Murphy, our ice scheduler immediately to let her know.

 We are aware that other associations are making different decisions, this is not an easy task. CMHA has decided to take the lead from Public Health and HNS. Until a decision to pause hockey comes from them, we will continue to follow all Public Health guidelines.


Sara Aucoin- President CMHA

Bryan Esbaugh – VP Risk Management





Dec 17, 2021