
Association News


Volunteer Qualification Reminder

Hi Folks,

A big thank you to all our volunteers who have stepped up to help out coaching, managing, with safety and providing coverage for the "2 deep" rule along with countless other efforts. Our organization cannot function without a strong volunteer culture and we have the best one out there!

Just a reminder that as teams and team staff becomes solidified that it is important for our volunteers to double check their qualification status proactively and not wait for an email from Chebucto, even though we do check regularly and send reminder emails as part of year start up routine.

Another reminder that all teams need a designated Safety Rep.

All the volunteer qualification information can be found on the website :


As always, if you have any questions or want to get involved in volunteering please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Bryan Esbaugh

VP Risk 

Nov 5, 2022